Sunday, July 8, 2007

The trip details....

essentially the trip starts in Kathmandu where myself and Megan meet our fellow travellers. We then fly to Lhasa where we spend a few days acclimatising before we set of on our journey. We make several passes over 5000 metres and will see temples and monastries and the amazing Himalaya's.

We will camp out for 11 nights and the rest will be in hotels and guest houses. Each person neds to bring their own bike and spares in the case of any mechanical mishaps.

I have never been at altitude before, so have no idea if I will be adversly affected....I hope not!!

1 comment:

neeltje said...

What a great initiative and challenge ! We are so surprised to read all this, so now at least one person in the family is sportive ;-)
We hope your bear will turn pink very soon, Good Luck! Love & Best Wishes from Holland, Roen & Nel

Bears held in cages for bile extraction- a cruel and unneccessary prctise

Bear in cage